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What are the solutions?

Among others, the most used solutions in cities committed to adapting to climate change are the following:

Techos verdes

Green roof

They are roofs or terraces where slow-growing, drought-tolerant vegetation such as Sedum species has been arranged . These ceilings are also called extensive type. The vegetation adheres to modules that allow the retention of a variable volume of water and the depth varies between 40 mm to 150 mm. Maintenance is very low and usually does not require irrigation.

Ciudades de oxigeno

Suspended gardens

They are green roofs or terraces but with a different type of vegetation . They are called intensive type. They are roofs that require constant maintenance, as well as continuing irrigation. The vegetation is supported by a deep substrate greater than 200mm. The more robust vegetation allows having gardens or orchards increasing urban biodiversity.


Green walls

Green walls vary between those that have an artificial substrate to which the vegetation adheres without being part of the wall and those that have the vegetation directly adhered. Among its benefits are: Isolation   which reduces thermal energy use, the regulation of the local temperature by evapotranspiration, sound insulation, and capture of particulate material which improves air quality.



Gardens and Orchards

Rain gardens and orchards generate a significant contribution to urban biodiversity and achieve greater rainwater harvesting than green roofs or walls. This solution can be implemented together with a green roof in order to infiltrate all the water that falls and guarantee greater retention of present contaminants. However, the major benefit given to the community is the possibility to gather and receive therapeutical benefits from gardening.



Depending on the infiltration conditions in the soil, there are various types bioswales. Two main types are those that infiltrate water and those that retain it for later regulated release .

Infiltration ditches have a soil with infiltration capacity > 20 mm / h and there is no risk of contamination of the repertoires of underground waterOn the contrary, the retention swales have soils with a limited infiltration capacity <1mm / h and / or have risks of groundwater contamination.

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The trenches are shallow longitudinal works, that is, adapted and adaptable to linear waterproof surfaces (pavements, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ...). Its width is generally between 0.50 m and 2 m.


Ponds, lakes, wetlands

This type of solutions allow to retain and infiltrate the largest amount of water compared to other solutions. Especially in the case of wetlands, these solutions achieve the greatest biodiversity aspect in urban areas. However, these solutions require a larger area that is not frequently available in urban areas.


Permeable surfaces

Permeabilizing concrete areas with pervious concrete or with a mixture of concrete and vegetation, as seen in the photo, is one of the most simple and least expensive solutions. Its behavior is effective for the management of local runoff and temperature.

Benefits you find on the map of your city

Evaluate the solutions according to these benefits and help to implement more of them in the city


Por medio de infiltración o retención del agua lluvia, la solución reduce la escorrentía generada tras un evento de lluvia y reduce el riesgo de inundaciones en la zona o aguas abajo

The solution reduces the risk of flooding

Quality of urban space

La solución genera espacios de recreación, inspiración, educación y encuentro. Los espacios brindan zonas a la sombra en tiempos de verano o crean corredores de aire fresco en la ciudad

The solution creates new spaces that improve the quality of life in the city


Las soluciones verdes y azules reducen la temperatura local en varios grados de acuerdo a la extensión de la zona o el tipo de solución. 

Green and blue solutions reduce local temperature by several degrees

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Water quality

Retención de contaminantes del agua

Recarga de acuíferos

Reducción de descargas de agua no tratada a cuerpos de agua superficial

The solution creates spaces that filter rainwater before reaching an aquatic environment

Image by Boris  Smokrovic

Aumento en la proximidad de habitats

para especies terrestres y aéreas

Promotion of urban biodiversity

Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Reducción de contaminantes del aire

Captura de CO2

Atenuación de ruido

Bajo consumo energético

Reduction of air pollution and mitigation of climate change

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